On December 22, 2020, British Columbia held a new draw in the Skills Immigration (SI) and Express Entry British Columbia (EEBC) categories of the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BCPNP). In this draw, the government invited 230 persons to apply for a nomination of British Columbia. The lowest scores in this round increased by two points for the Express Entry British Columbia candidates:
British Columbia keeps excluding the following 31 NOCs from participation in the BCPNP draws (0621, 0631, 0632, 0651, 3236, 6211, 6311, 6313, 6321, 6322, 6341, 6421, 6511, 6512, 6513, 6521, 6522, 6523, 6524, 6525, 6531, 6532, 6533, 6562, 6564, 6611, 6621, 6711, 6721, 6722, and 6731.). As of today, British Columbia invited 9,470 candidates under all streams of BCPNP in 2020.
Find out about the other provinces program,
Alberta: https://www.a4zimmigration.com/news/alberta-issued-all-nomination-in-the-ainp
Ontario: https://www.a4zimmigration.com/news/ontario-issued-235-nominations-in-the-oinp
Prince Edward Island https://www.a4zimmigration.com/news/prince-edward-island-held-the-last-draw-in-2020
Please contact our office on info@a4zimmigration.com or Office/WhatsApp +1-289-997-3339 to discuss your opportunity and eligibility to immigrate, live and work in Canada. You can fill in our assessment form https://www.a4zimmigration.com/assessment-for-express-entry for a detail assessment for an expedited response.